
Privacy Policy for Andry Strong Academy

  1. Introduction:

       Welcome to Andry Strong Academy. Your trust is paramount to us. This Privacy Policy lays out our guidelines concerning the collection, use, and safeguarding of your personal data. By engaging with our services, you consent to the procedures described below.

  1. Data Collection:

     Name: When you subscribe to Andry Strong Academy, we record your name to personalize our communications.

     Email Address: Your email address is vital for us to send updates, newsletters, and other relevant information.

     Answers: From time to time, we may request feedback or answers to specific questions to better our services. These responses are collected and analyzed to serve you better.

  1. Purpose and Use of Data:

     Personalized Communication: Using your name, we tailor our messages to create a more personal connection.

     Updates and Newsletters: Your email facilitates our sending of regular updates, insights, and news about our academy.

     Feedback Analysis: The answers and feedback you provide help us refine our offerings, ensuring they align with your needs and interests.

  1. Data Sharing:

      We honor your privacy. Rest assured, your personal details – be it your name, email, or answers – will not be sold, rented, or shared with third-party entities for their marketing agendas.

  1. Data Security:

      We employ robust industry-standard protective measures to safeguard your data, ensuring it remains shielded from unauthorized access, alterations, or misuse.

  1. Your Rights:

     Access & Rectification: You’re entitled to view the personal data we’ve stored about you. Should any discrepancies arise, we’re committed to rectifying them promptly.

     Data Deletion: If you wish to have all your personal data removed from our records, please contact us directly, and we will ensure your information is deleted promptly.

  1. Updates to this Privacy Policy:

      Our policy may evolve to adapt to changes in the digital realm or to enhance our services. Significant modifications will be communicated to our subscribers.

  1. Reach Out:

       Should questions or concerns about our privacy practices arise, please connect with us at andry.strongacademy@gmail.com

       Last Updated: 24.09.2023